GreenLamp is thrilled to have partnered with the Simien Mountains Mobile Medical Service (SMMMS) – a non-profit organization delivering essential medical care to remote villages in the Simien Mountains, Amhara Region. We are supporting their efforts to develop a “Health Centre of Excellence” in each district of this isolated rural area of northern Ethiopia by funding a Project Coordinator role to orchestrate the capabilities and skills development of health centre staff in the area.
Sister Eden Tesfahun is the first to be appointed to this new role. Eden graduated with distinction from the Hamlin College of Midwives in 2016 and has been working as a midwife in the Simien Mountains ever since. She has promised, “I will work hard to make a difference”. GreenLamp is excited to be providing Eden with leadership training and ongoing support.
Eden is pictured above contributing to a group session at the GreenLamp-sponsored Hamlin Midwives Alumni Network Annual Meeting in Addis Ababa in 2019.