The intrepid Tefera Tesfamichael, our Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia GreenLamp Project Coordinator, has been continuing his vital work despite COVID-19 restrictions and the escalating unrest in Ethiopia. He has undertaken two field trips recently, ensuring that the GreenLamp-funded Solar Suitcases which generate medical-quality light and power for fetal dopplers and mobile phone charging are still in working order for midwives in rural health centres.
During the in-person visits, Tefera also checked on the midwives’ well-being. They reported feeling well supported with the delivery of GreenLamp-funded Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) supplies, although they desperately need more. They also confirmed that despite COVID-19, mothers are still coming to the health centres for deliveries as well as for crucial check-ups and family planning advice, and receiving a high standard of compassionate care from the dedicated midwives. Some welcome positive news!
We are keeping in close contact with Tefera and the extended team on the ground in Ethiopia to check that they can continue to operate safely.